Tuesday, October 4, 2016

NetApp LUN Target Portset

LUN Target PortSet :

A port set consists of a group of FC target ports. You bind a port set to an igroup, to make the LUN available only on a subset of the storage system's target ports. Any host in the igroup can access the LUNs only by connecting to the target ports in the port set.
If an igroup is not bound to a port set, the LUNs mapped to the igroup are available on all of the storage system’s FC target ports. The igroup controls which initiators LUNs are exported to. The port set limits the target ports on which those initiators have access.
You use port sets for LUNs that are accessed by FC hosts only. You cannot use port sets for LUNs accessed by iSCSI hosts.

Create and start the FCP service.

List the FCP adapters.

Create FCP logical interfaces.

Create a portset with access through a specific LIF's.

Create an igroup and attach with the port set. So the initiator access through only this SAN LIF's.

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