Friday, November 30, 2018

NetApp OnCommand Cloud Manager (OCCM) Administration

OnCommand Cloud Manager enables you to deploy and manage NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP (formerly ONTAP Cloud), which is a data management solution that provides protection, visibility, and control for your cloud-based workloads.

Cloud Manager can run in the cloud or in your network—it just needs a connection to the networks in which you want to deploy ONTAP Cloud systems.

ONTAP Cloud for AWS overview

ONTAP Cloud for Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a software-only storage appliance that runs the ONTAP data management software in the cloud. Building your cloud environment on ONTAP Cloud provides enterprise-class features for your cloud storage and gives you a universal storage platform that enables you to easily replicate data across your hybrid cloud.
What ONTAP Cloud provides
ONTAP Cloud manages Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes with the NetApp ONTAP software, which provides enterprise-class features:
  • High availability (HA)
  • Multiprotocol support (NFS, CIFS, and iSCSI)
  • Data protection (NetApp Snapshot copies, SnapMirror technology, and SnapVault technology)
  • Storage efficiency (thin provisioning, data deduplication, and data compression)
  • Data-at-rest encryption using encryption keys that are stored on key managers under your control

ONTAP Cloud for Microsoft Azure overview

ONTAP Cloud for Microsoft Azure is a software-only storage appliance that runs the ONTAP data management software in the cloud. Building your cloud environment on ONTAP Cloud provides enterprise-class features for your cloud storage and gives you a universal storage platform that enables you to easily replicate data across your hybrid cloud.

What ONTAP Cloud provides

ONTAP Cloud manages Azure storage with the NetApp ONTAP software, which provides enterprise-class features:
  • Multiprotocol support (NFS, CIFS, and iSCSI)
  • Data protection (NetApp Snapshot copies, SnapMirror technology, and SnapVault technology)
  • Storage efficiency (thin provisioning, data deduplication, and data compression)

Login to OCCM web interface.

Create your first instance.

Adding new Working Environment:

1. Create  (Create a new ONTAP cloud instance for AWS/Azure/IBM cloud)
2. Discover (Discover existing instances)

Create a new instance for AWS, specify the cluster name and credentials.

Select the HA deployment Models (Single or Multiple availability zones).

Select the Location to Deploy.

Set the SSH authentication for Nodes and Mediators.

Select the Data Encryption Method.

Select the Pre-Configured Packages or Create your own configuration. 

Select ONTAP version and license.

Select the AWS Instance Type.

Select the storage resources.

Specify the size of S3 Tiering Bucket.

Then Create a new volume.

Review the configuration and Apply.

Now initializing the AWS instance.

ONTAP cloud Volumes HA deployed in AWS.

This is the volume view, you can manage the volumes.

Like this you can create a multiple working environment in different regions.

ONTAP Cloud Volume Deployment in Azure.

Create a new working environment.

Subscribe to ONTAP Cloud from Azure Marketplace.

Select the storage resources.

Create a new volume.

Now AWS and Azure working environments are ready.

Same as you can discover the on-perm netapp cluster also.

Discover the ON-Perm  ONTAP Clusters.

ON-Perm Cluster also added to your working environment.

Replication Setup:

Source - ON-Perm 
Destination ---AWS ONTAP Cloud

Create a Peer relationship between source and destination.

For that we need a LIF with intercluster role.

Select the Source Volume --- On_perm -- Vol1.

Create Destination Volume.

Select the Replication type (snapmirror or snapvault).

Select the schedule.

Review and apply.

Now relationship and data transfer done successfully.

Check the replication status.

Check the TimeLine status also.

You can take a backup of your settings and restore also.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Interacting with NetApp API's using NetApp Manageability (NM) SDK

NetApp Manageability (NM) SDK :

For API Programming you can use the NMSDK also (NetApp Management SDK).

The NetApp Manageability SDK provides resources to develop applications that monitor and manage NetApp storage systems. SDK Help provides information about core APIs, which provide infrastructure to invoke Data ONTAP® APIs, OnCommand Unified Manager [DataFabric Manager] APIs .

The NetApp Manageability SDK 5.4 supports API Bindings for both Data ONTAP® APIs and OnCommand® Unified Manager APIs. The API Bindings libraries contain interfaces to establish a connection with either the Data ONTAP server or the Unified Manager [DataFabric Manager] server. By using these libraries, you can create applications to access and manage clustered Data ONTAP or OnCommand Unified Manager.

ZExplore Development Interface (ZEDI):

ZEDI is a utility with graphical user interface bundled with NetApp Manageability SDK (NMSDK). This utility enables you to test DATA ONTAP APIs and OnCommand Unified Manager APIs. This utility allows you to generate raw XML request for any given API.
You can supply necessary arguments in the XML request before invoking the API through HTTP or HTTPS and you can view the response in raw XML format or tree format. Additionally, for a given API, the utility can generate sample codes in Java, Perl, C, C#, Python and Ruby to demonstrate how the said API can be invoked using NMSDK Core APIs.

Converting Code

ZExplore outputs your queries into the “Execute” tab in XML. However, you can also have it convert the queries to any one of the following languages:
  • C#
  • C
  • Java
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Ruby
You do this by navigating to “Preferences -> Languages”. Once you’ve selected a language the converted code is available in the “Develop” tab.
ONTAP API Example:
1. Aggregate Rename:
First check the aggregates in System Manager.
In this example, we are going to change an existing aggregate aggr_new to aggr1.

2. Using NMSDK ZEDI Interface, select the aggr-rename API, this will generate the XML code.
Provide the required parameters to rename an aggregate.

Old_aggr_name= aggr_new

3. Execute this XML code to the connected Data ONTAP Clusters or OCUM.

Now the execute status is passed.

ZExplore outputs your queries into the “Execute” tab in XML. However, you can also have it convert the queries to any one of the following languages:
  • C#
  • C
  • Java
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Ruby
You do this by navigating to “Preferences -> Languages”. Once you’ve selected a language the converted code is available in the “Develop” tab.

Check in System Manager, aggregate renamed as aggr1.

Even you can check, the event is updated in OCUM also.

Example 2: Adding disks to an existing aggregate.

aggr1 aggregate has 5 disks.

Now we are going to add 2 more disks to this aggregate.

Select the aggr-add API and generate the code.

Specify the required parameters.

Aggregate Name=aggr1

Execute this to the connected Ontap Cluster.

Command run successfully.

Then check in System Manager, aggr1 aggregate has 7 disks now.