Monday, August 29, 2016

NetApp ONTAP 9 Cluster Log and Performance Management

To list the events.

To list the event status.

To list the event catalog information like event message name and severity.

List the event configuration.

Modify the event configuration like mail id and mail server information.

List the event destination information.

For any modification in ONTAP 9 use the event notification destination command.

Dashboard in System Manager GUI.

List the events in System Manager.

List and acknowledge the system alerts.

Even you cal list the events from your browser also.

Performance monitoring:

Collect the statistics for an aggregate.

Periodic statistics collection.

List the catalog object, instance and counter information.

List and modify the statistics settings.

List the RDB quorum events.

List the RDB quorum voting information and events.

To archive the kernel statistics and the data store information.

To list the data store information.

In system shell you can list the data store at the following path.


For protecting data, NetApp's Ontap 9 introduces RAID-TEC, or triple erasure coding. With RAID-TEC, up to three spinning disks or SSDs can be lost without impacting capacity or performance.

This new RAID format is designed for triple parity protection for the larger SATA and SSD disk sizes. This will essentially allow for much larger RAID Group sizes on the large disks.

RAID-TEC will be the default going forward on any drives 6TB and larger and required for drives 10TB and larger. You will be able to convert existing RAID-DP aggregates non-disruptively to RAID-TEC groups as well.

To list aggregates in CLI.

To list the detailed information about the particular aggregate.

List the aggregate status in System Manager GUI.

To create a new aggregate in CLI select with particular disk types and the raid type.

If you are not specifying raid type, default one is RAID_DP.

To change the status of an aggregate like online, offline and restrict.

To check the aggregate space information.

To increase the capacity of an existing aggregate.

You can increase the capacity of an aggregate but you will not decrease the size.

64-bit aggregate can grow up to 100TB.

you can create 100 Aggregates in a Node.

To check the size of an aggregate.

Create an aggregate using system manager GUI.

Select RAID levels (RAID4, RAID_DP and RAID_TEC).

New aggregate created with RAID_TEC which supports three disks failure.

You see the RAID_TEC which contains the three parity disks.

You can change the raid levels from raid4 to raid_Dp.

To delete an existing aggregate.

The storage aggregate scrub command scrubs an aggregate for media and parity errors. Parity scrubbing compares the data disks to the parity disks in their RAID group and corrects the parity disks contents, as required. If no name is given, parity scrubbing is started on all online aggregates.By default, scrubs are scheduled to run for a specified time on a weekly basis. However, you can use this command to run scrubs manually to check for errors and data inconsistencies.

You can check the scrub status also.

ONTAP 9 Disk Management

ONTAP 9 Disk Management  Tutorial:

To List the disk information using oncommand system manager.

Here you can see the different types of disks like FCAL, FSAS and SSD.

To list only the SSD disks alone in CLI.

To list the disks are not assigned to the node.

You can assign the unassigned disk to the node.

You can assign the disk using System Manager GUI also. This feature is available from ONTAP 9.

To unassign the disk from the node.

To list the disks used in aggregate aggr1.

To list the spare disks.

To list the spare disks of particular disk type like ATA, FCAL and SSD.

FCAL disks are called as Performance Disks.

Solid state disks.

ATA disks are called as Capacity Disks.

To list aggregate disks list like Parity, DP and data.

To replace the file system disk.

Copying process is going on.....

List the detailed information about the disk.

To list the non-zeroed disks.

To zero the disk.

To list the broken disks.

To administrator failed the disk immediate then it will replace the spare disk and it will do the RAID reconstruction.

If you are using with gradual option which is not immediate option, then it will to copy process to the spare disk.

To list the broken disks.

To list in system manager GUI.

To unfail the broken disk by administrator.