Saturday, December 8, 2012

NetApp Virtual Console for Citrix XenCenter

NetApp Virtual Console For Xen Server Installation:

Download the NetApp virtual console for Xen from NetApp NOW site.

Double click the exe file.

Accept the end user license agreement.

Select the installation directory location.

Then it is starting the installation.

Once the Installation successfully completed, then open the xen center.

Discovering the NetApp Filer:

In tools menu you have an option NetApp SVC.

Then you go for the discover your NetApp Filer.

To Discover, provide the filer's hostname or IP and Filer access credentials. Once it's authenticated 
successfully it will show your netapp filer information.

It discovers the filer and aggregate.

Filer information.

New Storage Creation:

Now go for the new storage creation wizard to create new storage.

  • iscsi LUN
  • FC LUN
  • NFS Shares
  • CIFS Shares

Select the NFS Store option.

Set the name for the NFS store.

Set the NetApp Filer's NFS shares absolute path.

Now the NetApp NFS share added to the Xen Server. Ans also it is connected.

NFS Library available.

Same as NFS you can create CIFS share Library also.

Set the NetApp Filer's CIFS share name.

Now you can access the CIFS shares via your Xen Server.

Same as you can create LUN from NetApp filer using FC or iscsi.

Set the iscsi Target(NetApp Filer iscsi Portal address) and default port number is 3260.

Press Discover iqn , this will automatically discover the target's iqn.

Press discover the LUN, this will automatically discover the LUN's mapped to this host and iqn.

Now you have a LUN.

Now it is creating New SR. 
Then your iscsi LUN from NetApp Filer added to the Xen Server.
Now you can create a new virtual machine using this new SR.

All the Best .....................

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