Thursday, January 18, 2018

ONTAP 9.3 Data Protection

ONTAP 9.3 Snap Mirror:

Starting with ONTAP 9.3, SnapMirror extended data protection (XDP) mode replaces SnapMirror data protection (DP) mode as the SnapMirror default.

If you specify...
The type is...
The default policy (if you do not specify a policy) is...
DPXDPMirrorAllSnapshots (SnapMirror DR)
NothingXDPMirrorAllSnapshots (SnapMirror DR)
XDPXDPXDPDefault (SnapVault)

First Check the snapmirror license.

Check the Cluster and Peer Relationship between the clusters and SVMs.

Configuring a replication relationship in one step

Starting in ONTAP 9.3, you can use the snapmirror protect command to configure a data protection relationship in a single step. You specify a list of volumes to be replicated, an SVM on the destination cluster, a job schedule, and a SnapMirror policy. snapmirror protect does the rest.

This single command automatically creates destination volumes with the prefix and suffix, then create a snapmirror relationship and initialize it automatically.

In a single command you can use multiple volumes replication also.

Now default type is XDP for snapmirror.

Check the protection relationships from System Manager GUI.

From the volume tab in  details.

You can create a protect relationship using System Manager also.

Select the source cluster and SVM and Destination cluster and SVM.

Now it creates relationship and Initialize also.

1 comment:

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