Monday, July 23, 2012

NetBackup Log and Media Tutorial

What are the various Logging directories for?

Server Logs
(On the Master server – “Properties” – “Global Attributes” - Duration to Retain Logs” = Number of days you want to keep the logs before the get automatically deleted. This is a global setting.)

1. admin - Administrative Commands.

2. bpbrm - NetBackup and restore manager.

3. bpcd - NetBackup client manager. This process is started by the NetBackup Client service.

4. bpdbjobs - NetBackup jobs manager program.

5. bpdm - NetBackup disk manager.

6. bpdbm - NetBackup database manager. This process runs only on master servers. It is the NetBackup Database Manager service.

7. bprd - NetBackup request manager. This process is the NetBackup Request Manager service.

8. bpsched - NetBackup backup scheduler. This process runs only on master.

9. bptm – NetBackup tape management process.

10. symlogs – System log.

11. user_ops – This is created during install on all servers and clients. This directory must have public read, write and execute permissions, as it will contain a directory for every user that submits jobs using the java programs.

PC Client Debug Logs

(On MS clients the logs are kept for the number of days as specified in “Backup, Archive & Restore” - “File” - “NetBackup Client Properties” - “Keep status of user-directed backups, archives, and restores for.”)

1. bp - Netware = Client-user program for NetWare.

2. bpinetd - NT/2000 = Client Service logs.

3. bparchive - NT/2000/98/95 = Archive program that is run from the command line.

4. bpbackup - NT/2000/98/95 = Backup program that is run from the command line.

5. bpbkar - NT/2000 = Backup and archive manager.

6. bpcd - All = NetBackup client manager. These logs have on communications between the server and client. It also contains info for the backup and restore processes.

7. bplist - NT/2000/98/95 = List program that is run from the command line.

8. bpmount - NT/2000/98/95 = Program used to collect drive names on the client for multistreaming clients.

9. bprestore - NT/2000/98/95 = Restore program that is run from the command line.

10. bpsrv - Netware = NetBackup service utility.
11. nbwin - NT/2000/98/95 = Client-user interface program for Windows.

12. tar - NT/2000 = Tar process.

13. user_ops - NT/2000/98/95 = This is created during install on all servers and clients. This directory must have public read, write and execute permissions, as it will contain a directory for every user that submits jobs using the java programs.

Media Manager Logs
Increase the level of logging by adding VERBOSE to the volmgr\vm.conf file.

1. volmgr\debug\daemon - Debug information on the service.

2. volmgr\debug\reqlib - Debug information on the process requesting the service.

3. volmgr\debug\tpcommand - Debug information on the tpconfig and tpautoconf commands.

4. volmgr\debug\ltid - Debug information on ltid.

- To release a tape if it is full...

<install_dir>\volmgr\bin\vmquery -m <media ID> to check the tape and take note of the status at the bottom...

<install_dir>\volmgr\bin\vmquery -deassignbyid <media ID> <poolnum> <statusnum> ie. vmquery -deassignbyid <media ID> <pool_num> 0x0

<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate -m <media ID> -d 0 (Expires a tape from the)

- Check which schedules do not cover drives/mount points from.

- Grep these results for frozen tapes etc

- Convert ctime to real date/time
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\bpdbm -ctime xxxxxxxxxx

- Checks for errors encountered
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -problems -hoursago 24 -U

- Lists the error code and resolution
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -S <error code> -r - Status

<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -backstat -s info -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc

- Client
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimagelist -U [-A|-client name] -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc

- Problems Report
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -problems -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc

- All Log Entries
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -all -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc

- Media List
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedialist -U -mlist [-m media ID]

- Media Contents
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedialist -U -mcontents [-m media ID]

- Images on Media
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimmedia -U -client <client_name> ([-mediaid media_ID [|-m media_ID NBU 3.2])

- Media Log Entries
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -media -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc

- Media Summary
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpmedialist -summary

- Media Written
<install_dir>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimagelist -A -media -d mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc -e mo/da/yr hr:mn:sc

- Volume detail
<install_dir>\volmgr\bin\vmquery –a

- Check Robotics contents from the command line
<install_dir>\volmgr\bin\vmcheckxxx -rt <Robot Type> -rn <Robot number> -rh <Robot Host>

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