Background Information and Planning:
· Please note that these procedures are used to "hot-swap" an HBA adapter in IBM pSeries servers.
· Always plan for downtime in case the "hot-swap" fails and a reboot is required.
· HBA (Fibre Channel Adapter) name, Physical Location Code, AIX Location Code.
· PowerPath HBA number (from powermt display output).
· Example HBA: 'fcs3' is the parent of the HW Path 'fscsi3' you see in 'powermt display' output. Typical examples are fcs1, fcs2, fcs3, fcs4.
Find Physical Location Code and AIX Location Code of the FC Adapter:
# lscfg -vl fcs3
fcs3 U1.9-P2-I6/Q1 FC Adapter
Part Number.................00P4295
EC Level....................A
Serial Number...............1F41809326
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C93F9EAB
ROS Level and ID............02E01871
Device Specific.(Z0)........2003806D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FF601231
Device Specific.(Z5)........02E01871
Device Specific.(Z6)........06631871
Device Specific.(Z7)........07631871
Device Specific.(ZA)........H1D1.81X1
Device Specific.(ZB)........H2D1.81X1
# lsdev -H -l fcs3
name status location
Find HBA number for HW Path. In our example, the HBA # is "3" for fscsi3:
# powermt display
Symmetrix logical device count=16
CLARiiON logical device count=14
----- Host Bus Adapters --------- ------ I/O Paths ----- ------ Stats ------
HBA Number |
0 fscsi0 optimal 16 0 - 0 0
1 fscsi1 optimal 28 0 - 0 0
2 fscsi2 optimal 16 0 - 0 0
3 fscsi3 optimal 28 0 - 0 0
Find children assigned to the Parent which correlates to the Power Path HW Path in previous output:
# lsdev -p fcs3
fcnet3 Defined 3Y-08-02 Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fscsi3 Available 3Y-08-01 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
HBA Replacement Procedure Begins Here
1. Remove HBA from PowerPath
powermt remove hba=[X]
Example: powermt remove hba=3
Special Note: If the HBA is in an intermittent failing condition this command may take a very long time or hang. This may require that the cable to the HBA be disconnected. If that fails, then the system may need to be shut down to replace the HBA.
2. Perform AIX Hot-Plug Tasks
# smitty devdrpci
PCI Hot Plug Manager
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
List PCI Hot Plug Slots
Add a PCI Hot Plug Adapter
Replace/Remove a PCI Hot Plug Adapter
Identify a PCI Hot Plug Slot
Unconfigure a Device
Configure a Defined Device
Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL
F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel Esc+8=Image
Esc+9=Shell Esc+0=Exit Enter=Do
· Select 'Unconfigure a Device' <enter>
Unconfigure a Device
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Device Name [fcs3]
Unconfigure any Child Devices yes
KEEP definition in database no
· Type either [F4] or [Esc 4] to bring up a menu with a list of devices. In our example it will be 'fcs3'. Use the Down and Up arrows to scroll to 'fcs3', then press <enter>.
· Then, arrow down to 'Unconfigure any Child Devices', press [F4] or [Esc 4] and select 'yes'.
· Arrow down to 'KEEP definition in database' and set to 'no'.
· Now, press <enter> to execute the command and screen will look similar to below:
Command: OK stdout: yes stderr: no
Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.
A list of "hdisk###" devices will show Deleted
fscsi3 Deleted
fcnet3 Deleted
fcs3 Deleted
· Press [Esc 3] or [F3] to return to the PCI Hot-Plug Manager Menu.
· Select 'Replace/Remove a PCI Hot Plug Adapter'.
· Arrow down and select the Device to Remove/Replace. In our example it is 'fcs3'.
Replace/Remove a PCI Hot Plug Adapter
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Use arrow keys to scroll.
# Slot Description Device(s)
U1.9-P1-I1 PCI-X capable, 64 bit, 133MHz slot fcs0
U1.9-P1-I2 PCI-X capable, 64 bit, 133MHz slot fcs1
U1.9-P1-I3 PCI-X capable, 64 bit, 133MHz slot pci16 ent0 ent1 ent2 e
U1.9-P2-I5 PCI-X capable, 64 bit, 133MHz slot fcs2
U1.9-P2-I6 PCI-X capable, 64 bit, 133MHz slot fcs3
U1.9-P2-I8 PCI-X capable, 64 bit, 133MHz slot ent4
U1.9-P2-I9 PCI-X capable, 64 bit, 133MHz slot pci22 ent5 ent6 ent7 e
F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel
Esc+8=Image Esc+0=Exit Enter=Do
· Press <enter> to execute the command and the next screen appears.
· Change the [Entry Fields] column to 'remove' from 'replace'.
Replace/Remove a PCI Hot Plug Adapter
Type or select a value for the entry field.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
Operation remove
· Press <enter> to execute the command and the next screen appears. Tell Fujitsu the card is ready to be changed and a light should flash on the card. Once the card is removed, press <enter>.
Command: running stdout: yes stderr: no
Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.
The visual indicator for the specified PCI slot has
been set to the identify state. Press Enter to continue
or enter x to exit.
The visual indicator for the specified PCI slot has
been set to the action state. Remove the PCI card
from the identified slot and press Enter to continue.
· The command will finish executing and will indicate the removal is successful.
Command: OK stdout: yes stderr: no
Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.
The visual indicator for the specified PCI slot has
been set to the identify state. Press Enter to continue
or enter x to exit.
The visual indicator for the specified PCI slot has been set
to the action state. Remove the PCI card from the identified
slot and press Enter to continue.
Remove Operation Complete.
· Press [Esc 3] or [F3] to return to the PCI Hot-Plug Manager Menu.
· Select 'List PC Hot-Plug Slots' to verify slot is empty.
· Press [Esc 3] or [F3] to return to the PCI Hot-Plug Manager Menu.
· Select 'Add a PCI Hot-Plug Adapter'. The display screen indicates that the PCI slot is empty.
· On the display screen, select the indicated empty slot. Fujitsu should look at the adapter you intend to remove. A slow blinking amber LED located next to the adapter on the PCI riser card indicates that the slot has been identified. Press Enter. The adapter has been put into the action state.
· Fujitsu will disconnect any cables that are connected to the adapter being removed.
· Completely remove the hot-plug adapter from the slot. The LED goes off.
· Continue to follow the screen instructions until you receive a message that the replacement is successful. Successful replacement is indicated by the OK message displayed next to the Command field at the top of the screen.
Command: running stdout: yes stderr: no
Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.
The visual indicator for the specified PCI slot has
been set to the identify state. Press Enter to continue
or enter x to exit.
The visual indicator for the specified PCI slot has
been set to the action state. Insert the PCI card
into the identified slot, connect any devices to be
configured and press Enter to continue. Enter x to exit.
Command: OK stdout: yes stderr: no
Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.
The visual indicator for the specified PCI slot has
been set to the identify state. Press Enter to continue
or enter x to exit.
The visual indicator for the specified PCI slot has
been set to the action state. Insert the PCI card
into the identified slot, connect any devices to be
configured and press Enter to continue. Enter x to exit.
Add Operation Complete.
Press [Esc 0] to exit the Hot-Plug Manager.
3. Run AIX cfgmgr to detect the new HBA (fcs3 in our example)
# cfgmgr –l fcs3
After 'cfgmgr' finishes, verify that AIX shows the adapter with an 'Available' status:
# lsdev -H -l fcs3
name status location description
fcs3 Available 3Y-08 FC Adapter
4. Verify the version of the microcode installed on the adapter
# lscfg -vl fcs3
fcs3 U1.9-P2-I6/Q1 FC Adapter
Part Number.................00P4295
ROS Level and ID............02E01871
... other lines omitted for brevity …
Device Specific.(Z9)........HS1.81X1
5. EDS Consolidated Storage can now zone and mask the new HBA's WWN so it can be seen.
6. EDS Consolidated Storage will run 'emc_cfgmgr'.
7. EDS Consolidated Storage will run 'powermt save'.
8. After EDS Consolidated Storage indicates that the work is done, confirm all paths are visible and optimal.
# powermt display
9. Confirm there are no disks in a 'Defined' state. If there are any, engage EDS Consolidated Storage.
# lsdev -Cc disk | grep -i define
10. This completes the IBM Hot-Swap HBA Replacement procedure.